Quantum Entanglement

All We Need to Know about Quantum Entanglement

Almost all physicists who work on quantum gravity state that space-time is emergent, not fundamental. If space-time is emergent, what does it mean? Since space-time could not exist before the emergence of space-time, the emergence of space-time means that there is another layer in the universe below the layer of space-time where there is no space-time, and from which layer space-time has emerged. If two points are in the layer of the universe where space-time is real, there will be some distance between those two points.

One-particle universe

If it were possible for a human being to be simultaneously present in New York and London, then the distance between these two cities would be zero for that human being. But, for all the other human beings, this distance would remain the same as before.

Our universe is multi-layered and God can reside in it at some deeper layer

As theists frequently claim about God that he is outside space and time, so some atheists have mistakenly thought that this means God is outside the universe. As there is nothing outside the universe, so God does not exist.

But this is not true. Repeated observations of the phenomenon of quantum entanglement have compelled the scientists to come to the conclusion that at some deeper layer in the universe there is no space and time. That is why the connection between two entangled particles is established instantaneously, defying all the space-time separation between the two.

Spaceless and Timeless God and Quantum Entanglement

We say God is all-pervading, God is everywhere. God is everywhere means God is present at each and every point of the universe. Although God is present everywhere, yet it is not the case that God’s presence is more at some points of space and less at some other points of space. Rather we will say that God is equally present everywhere. We will say that God is wholly present, fully present, entirely present at each and every point of the universe.

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